The Monster Maker (1944)

The Monster Maker (1944) I love bad movies, there is something punk rock about low budget films. I feel like if you look at the big budget Hollywood films, it is like looking at the over bloated arena rock and prog-rock bands in the 1970s, and how music was becoming something exclusive to those with a lot of money and skill, and then the Ramones came along in 1975 and proved that you needed neither money nor actual talent to make music, that you could just throw together three chords and a lot of passion. I think that is true when you look at filmmakers like Ed Wood or Roger Corman, they showed us that you can do it yourself, you don't need the big production companies, you didn't need millions of dollars, hell often times you don't even need actual actors or even film permits, just a bare minimal knowledge of how to shoot and produce a film, and you too can make great films. Before either Roger Corman or Ed Wood there were "poverty row" production companies ...