Heavy Metal (1981)

Heavy Metal (1981) I suppose a lot of folks fell in love with animated films through the classic Disney films, but for me though I appreciated some of the classics like Aristocats, I found a lot of the Disney films to be patronizing and to talk down to kids like they aren't capable of intelligent thought, and I felt insulted. The films that made me fall in love with animated films were (probably in this order) Heavy Metal, The Hobbit, Lord Of The Rings, and Wizards. I remember when I was, I don't know maybe, 9 or 10 years old I watched Heavy Metal for the first time. It had an amazing soundtrack featuring some bands that I loved at the time, the film was rude and crude, and had this dark grittiness, it didn't shy away from nudity, sex, violence, and graphic images, it had fantasy, science fiction, and great music! How could I not love this film. It's been around 30 years since I first discovered and fell in love with Heavy Metal, and I still lov...