Breakfast Shrimp Crustini

Breakfast Shrimp Crostini So yesterday morning, I woke up early and wanted to make breakfast before I went to work. Not sure what I wanted I just started looking through the refrigerator. I found some shrimp, some asparagus, mushrooms, fresh eggs from my roommate's hens, and I had bought a baguette from my work the day before. So I looked at the ingredients and decided that a simple shrimp crostini sounded fun. Ingredients: Baguette Slices 1 shrimp per baguette slice 4 stalks of asparagus cut into bite size pieces 2 eggs 5 med sized mushrooms chopped Olive Oil Dried Parsley (fresh works too if you have it) 5 cloves of garlic minced garlic powder 1 small shallot minced Juice of 1/2 lemon Chardonnay Sea Salt Recipe: 1. in a pan heat enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan over a med heat and add sea salt 2. add the garlic and shallot to the pan and cook until aromatic, stirring frequently 3. squeeze in lemon juice (remove seeds if any fall into your pan), a...