Isle Of The Snake People (1971)

Isle Of The Snake People (1971) aka: La Muerte Viviente Sadly at the end of his career, Boris Karloff was starring in some pretty bottom of the barrel films, which is so sad to see the great actor who played Frankenstein's monster and The Mummy in their first film appearances, playing sinking to the bottom. Just before his death in 1969 he was filmed his part for 4 Mexican horror films, that have ultimately been mostly forgotten over the years. One of those strange Mexican b-horror films was La Muerte Viviente, or Isle Of The Snake People in the US, or just Snake People in the UK. This film sees Karloff starring as a rich plantation owner on a remote pacific island, and he dabbles in science and voodoo, and there is some voodoo cult that dance half-naked with snakes, and zombies and an evil dwarf...okay this film is just weird. I think that Snake People attempts to be artsy, and almost psychedelic at times, but overall just really loses its direction. Isle...