Haunted Ranch (1943)

 Haunted Ranch (1943)

Horror film fans are mostly likely familiar with Glenn Strange because of the horror films that he has done, for example playing Frankenstein's Monster in the later films in the Frankenstein franchise. However non horror fans most likely know him from his work in westerns, for example his work in the television series Gunsmoke.   In 1943 he starred as the main villain in the twentieth installment of the Monogram Pictures' The Range Busters series entitled Haunted Ranch.   This film attempts to play itself as a light horror/mystery/western film.  Though any attempt at being a horror film was dispelled rather quickly when the film immediately gives away that the ranch is not haunted by a ghost by by villainous cowboys that are seeking the treasure hidden in the ranch, also any real mystery is quickly dispelled as well, as the film seems to love to just lay out exactly what is going on without much actual mystery involved.  Though the film fails in the horror and in the mystery department, it does succeed as a light hearted comedic western film.    Now mind you I am not a big fan of westerns for the most part, however I did find this film to be enjoyable, and even had a few chuckles as I watched it.   I am not super familiar with the Range Busters films, and honestly not sure if I have ever even seen any others in the series, so there is definitely inside jokes, and references to other films in the series that just went right over my head, but as a film it works, and most likely appealed to young boys in the 1943.  Also I appreciate westerns where it isn't white cowboys fighting native Americans, the whole "cowboy and indians" motif in westerns is a big part of why I am not a fan of the genre.  This film pits the good guys, against bad guys who are fell white cowboys.  

Haunted Ranch follows three cowboys Dusty, Alibi, and Davy, who witness a man gunned down by a man in black.  Davy hunts down and captures the man in black, whilst Dusty and Alibi find out what is going on, as they help the man who was shot, and in his last words he explains that his name is Hank Travers, and that he was on his way to inherit his uncle's ranch, and gives them the papers.  So to discover the the plot of who is trying to steal the treasure at the ranch, Dusty pretends to be Hank, and goes undercover, Alibi tries to discover what is going on in town, and Davy takes the captured murderer to a neighboring town.  Davy doesn't return to the film, as the character joins Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders (and the actor joined the military right around this time in real life), and he is replaced by Rex.  But can the Range Busters find out what is going on at the Haunted Ranch, are their ghosts or is it just the "bad hombres" trying to steal the treasure, and what is the treasure anyway?

Haunted Ranch was directed by Robert Emmett Tansey, with a screenplay by Elizabeth Beecher and based on a story by Arthur Hoerl.   The film was distributed by Monogram Pictures as part of its Range Busters series.  On IMDB the film has an average score, and it seems to have mediocre reviews, which seem to be par for the course for the low budget b-films from Monogram Pictures.   This is just a serial, and for what it is it is an entertaining film. 

Haunted Ranch stars The Range Busters: John "Dusty" King as Dusty King, Dave Sharpe as Davy Sharpe, Max Terhune as "Alibi" Terhune, Rex Lease as Deputy Rex Lease.   The film also features Julie Duncan as Helen Weston, Fred "Snowflake" Toones as Sam, , Glenn Strange as Rance Austin, Charles King as Henchman Chuck, Bud Osborne as Henchman Ed, Tex Palmer as Henchman Danny, Budd Buster as Sheriff, Steve Clark as Marshal Hammond, and Augie Gomez as Hank Travers.  For what it is, the film has a decent and entertaining cast, especially with Glenn Strange as the villain, it is nice seeing him playing an intelligent, albeit evil, character, rather than the dimwitted characters and monsters that he has done in many of his horror film roles.   Also I really enjoyed Julie Duncan, she brought this cuteness to the film, and she lights up every scene that she is in.  The Range Busters, are your typical good guy cowboys, they are handsome and witty, and quick with their guns, and ropes.  This is the type of things that young boys loved back in those days, and I imagine young boys with their cap guns sitting down in front of the television watching this film.  Though "Snowflake"'s character Sam is a likable character, he definitely is playing into racial stereotypes of the day, and watching this now, makes me thankful in how far we have come since 1943, but how much further we still need to go in the fight for civil rights.  Like I said, he is a sweet and endearing character, but he little more than a comic relief that equates using black men as clowns, which was common in those days.   

If you haven't seen this film, I would not say that this is a film that you must rush out and see, but if you do find comedic western films to be enjoyable, then I think that you might enjoy this film.  It isn't bad, and I really can't paint it that way, but I also feel like the IMDb rating of average of this film, is a fitting rating, because it is really just an average westerns serial of the time.   The film has some decent comedy, a decent story, with some decent characters, the writing is pretty good, and for the most part the film looks pretty good, but if you are looking for a b-horror film you will be disappointed, and also if you are looking for a serious western you would be disappointed, but if you are looking for something fun, that might appeal to young boys in the 1940s then look no further, because this film is just what you are looking for.  To me this isn't a film worth looking out for or seeking out, but if you find it on a collection of public domain horror films (or public domain western films for that matter) it is definitely worth checking out.   

Also just as a side note:  I could be completely wrong but I feel like the film Three Amigos might have found inspiration in part from the Range Busters, Chevy Chase's character is even named Dusty.
Side note part two:  I couldn't find a trailer for this film, only videos of the whole film, which I will not post.   But this is a public domain film, so it is easy to find free copies of it to watch on line.   


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