The Nameless (Los Sin Nombre) (1999)

 The Nameless (Los Sin Nombre) (1999)

I didn't know what to expect with this next film, I think that this is the first time that I have seen it, it is called The Nameless, or in its original Spanish language Los Sin Nombre, and was released in 1999.  I was very impressed by this Spanish horror film, though there was one thing that I didn't like about the film, which I will discuss more in a bit.   The Nameless is a Spanish horror film about a mother whose child was abducted, and she believes her to be dead, until she receives a phone call from a young girl who claims to be her daughter, Angela, asking her mother to save her.   The mother, Claudia. reaches out to retired police detective Massara who had originally been on the case of her missing daughter.  Together they investigate and search for Claudia's daughter Angela, but what they discover in their investigation leads them to a dark cult named the Nameless, this is a cult of ultimate evil.  Will they live to discover the truth of the Nameless, and save Claudia's missing daughter.

The Nameless was written and directed by Jaume Balaguero, and based on the 1981 novel of the same name by Ramsey Campbell.  The film was originally released in 1999 and distributed by Filmax in Spain.  Miramax purchased the distribution rights for the USA, however US audiences wouldn't see a theatrical release, and the film was quietly released direct to video in 2005.  It is a shame that American audiences never got to experience this terrifying gory film in theaters, however maybe consider the terrible English dubs that the American version has, maybe it is for the better, honestly I would love to find an original Spanish version of this film, with English subtitles, because this is an amazing film, that is ruined by the terrible English Dub, and the DVD that I have, had no way to switch it to the original Spanish, and had no subtitles of any sort.  Miramax completely dropped the ball on this film, and it is a true travesty, because this film is amazing. 

The Nameless stars Emma Vilarasau as Claudia Gifford, Brendan Price plays her ex-husband Marc Gifford, Karra Elejalde as Massara, Tristan Ulloa as Quiroga, Toni Sevilla as Franco, Jordi Dauder as Forense, Pep Tosar as Toni, Carlos Lasarte as Santi, Josep Maria Domenech as Romero, and Jessica Del Pozo as Angela Gifford.  So to judge the cast for the film, I pretty much have to look at them for their acting, and not for their dialogue presentation, because rather than their native Spanish, I only have these atrocious English dubs to go by.  The acting itself was fantastic, the characters were well cast for their roles in the film.  I was really impressed with Emma Vilarasau's ability to capture the feeling of a mother who is haunted by the murder of her daughter, and the absolute horror of finding out that she is still alive and for the past five years has been a prisoner of an evil cult, she is a beleivable character, who has to experience the absolute horror of the story, and this is a very horrifying film.  Again, I really want to find an original Spanish DVD copy of Los Sin Nombre, so that I can experience the film with voices that match the great acting skills of the actors.  

Los Sin Nombre or The Nameless is a truly terrifying film, that gave me chills as I watched it, even with the atrocious English language dub, the film was so well done otherwise.  The film starts with the gruesome discovery of a young child's body, the body was horribly tortured and mutilated, and the film doesn't hold back from showing you the dead mutilated body.  The film also uses a quick cuts and flashes of horrifying imagery that gives glimpses of the horror of the cult, and their pure evilness.   Maybe the reason that this film didn't see a US theatrical release could have been because of how dark, gruesome, and purely horrifying it was, though I would think that the horrific images of Seven would have helped to prepare viewers for what they would see in this.   I would love to see this film re-released in theaters with its original Spanish language track, with English subtitles.   The film has a great story, a great cast of characters, amazing special effects, and great dark cinematography.  This might be one of the best horror films that I had never heard of, and I highly recommend checking out.  I would say that the original Spanish version of this film would be a must see film, but sadly the US direct to video version is a disappointment because of the terrible English dubs.  So do yourself a favour and check out this film, but track down the original Spanish language version and watch it with English subtitles instead.  Also this is definitely not a film for the faint of heart, and might be very hard for parents to watch, but that being said it is such an amazing dark horror film, and very well done, and the original Spanish version should be a part of every horror film collector's library.

Original Trailer In Spanish:

Trailer With English Language Dub:


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