Slaughtered (2010)

 Slaughtered (2010)

I love a good gory slasher film from Australia, a nation that has been consistently good in providing low budget gore-filled slashers.  Slaughtered is a low budget film from Kate Grover, who it seemed decided to go down to her local pub with some friends and, some local barflys and make a gruesome slasher film.  The film doesn't feature great acting, but the gore is good, and the film keeps the viewer guessing on whose killing off the patrons and staff of the bar.  But who is the masked murderer who is brutally slaying the staff and patrons, and who will survive, and where the hell are those cops that were supposedly called?

Slaughtered was written, produced, and directed Kate Grover.  Ben Lucas and Sue Brown helped with production of the film.  Kate filmed Slaughtered at her local pub in Australia, but after the film wrapped she moved to the UK, which caused post production to be much harder and costly than she expected, driving to total budget of the film to be an estimated $100,000.  The film was a success, and popular among b-horror and slasher film fans.  The film was produced by Red Sparrow Productions and released in 2010.  The US distribution was handled through Vanguard Cinema.  
Slaughtered stars Chloe Boreman as Jaime, Kassandra Swaby as Sarah, Erica Baron as Kristy, Steve O'Donnell as Jack, James Kerley as Ash, Tudor Vasile as Luke, Robin Queree as Stan, Michael Lewis as Jasper, Christopher Tomkinson as Bar Man, Roger Adam Smith as Crazy Ralph, Marc Kay as Simon, and Curtis Oakeshouse as Tim.  The film has an amatuer quality cast, as is not uncommon in a low budget film, I think my favourite character was Kristy played by Erica Baron, otherwise I found the characters mostly hard to connect to or to have much concern over, I think a part of me wanted for the women in the film to live, but I really couldn't care less for a single one of the male characters in the film, and I am sure that sounds harsh, but really they all looked the same to me, and I really couldn't keep them straight anyway.  But in a slasher film, is caring about the characters a prerequisite anyway?  I think that for the most part the actors gave pretty poor performances, but they were fine for what they were, cannon fodder for a masked murderer.    

Slaughtered isn't a bad film, and if you are looking for gore, and a cast of beautiful folks in their 20s, and some weird ass folks drinking in a bar, then this film might be exactly what you are looking for.  I think this film is fun, in a turn your brain off and enjoy the splatter gore sort of way, and I have seen it multiple times and enjoyed it, but I think that this film goes no further than an entertaining way to kill 80 minutes of time.  The film holds quite a low score on film review sites like IMDb, but it is definitely a film that plays to a certain audience, those who enjoy low budget gory slasher films.  The film is effective as what it is.  It makes sense that the writer/director/producer Kate Grover is influenced by 1980's slasher films, and I think that this film pays homage to those.  Where the film excels is not in its acting, or story telling, but in its gore and violence!  The gore in this film is absolutely beautifully done, and that alone makes this a kick ass film!   I also like that there is some subtle misdirection in revealing the identity of the murderer, but I do feel that by the time the reveal comes, that most viewers will have already sussed out the identity of the murderer themselves, not that it is obviously predictable, but there are enough signs pointing to their identity.   So if you have not yet seen this film then I propose you ask yourself a few questions: 1. Do you prefer high production values with professional acting, and an intelligent plot?  or 2. Do you enjoy a wonderful fun gory splatter horror film, with beautiful women covered in blood?  If you answered yes to the first question, then pass up this film, it probably won't be your cup o' tea, but if you answered yes to the second question, then definitely give this film a chance.  So to sum it up, Slaughtered is for fans of low budget gore filled horror films, and if you like your films bloody, and gory then look no further.  I enjoyed this film a lot, but I like low budget horror.  This film really to me  feels a lot like a film student horror film, with some wonderful special effects on the gore.


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