Zombie Women Of Satan

Zombie Women Of Satan
Content Warning: Adult Material including nudity and foul language

When I say that this film is not for everyone, in the case of Zombie Women Of Satan I mean that very sincerely. Before you consider watching this film, I might encourage you to ask yourself: Do you enjoy the music of bands like The Dwarves? Do you like toilet and wanking humour? Do you like tons of blood and gore? Do you like copious amounts of beautiful women with natural body-types topless? Do you like perverted creepy clowns? Do you like freak show burlesque? Do you enjoy lots of swearing? Do you enjoy breaking taboos and films that go for the intentional gross out? Do you enjoy very low budget films, by a group of folks that look like they are really having fun making? If you answered yes to all of those things, then Zombie Women Of Satan is a film that is made for specifically for you. This is a film that was never meant for prudish or skittish mainstream audiences, and will even turn-off some low budget b-film fans, but for certain segment of viewers this film is amazing. But whatever you do avoid reading reviews on IMDb of this film, because you will see so much disgusting fat-shaming in most of the reviews, one review called the film "bigoted" and went on to write a bigoted tirade full of fat shaming, and even anti-Scottish remarks. So many of the reviews focused on calling the women in the film fat and ugly, which shows how disgusting the ideas and concepts of beauty and body image are deeply rooted in the minds of many. I think the worst thing about this film, is the bigotry and body shaming that seems to be a main point of the criticisms of the film. So one place where Zombie Women Of Satan succeeds is in it's causing of controversy and pissing off mainstream viewers. 

Zombie Women Of Satan is a 2009 film directed by Steve O'Brien and Warren Speed, and written by Warren Speed, Steve O'Brien, and Seymour Leon Mace. This film was produced by 24:25 Films and Growling Clown Entertainment, and distributed by Revolver Entertainment, and made on a budget of only£70,000. The film received mostly negative reviews from the critics, but has found a strong cult fanbase of connoisseurs of this style of film, though definitely not a film for everyone.

Zombie Women Of Satan stars a troupe of freak show burlesque performers made up of Warren Speed as Pervo the Clown, Seymour Mace as Johnny Hellfire, Peter Bonner as Zeus, Joe Nicholson as Damage, and the beautiful Kate Soulsby as Harmony Starr. They are joined by Victoria Hopkins as Skye Brannigan, the singer of a goth metal band. Skye's sister Rachel (Victoria Broom) was manipulated into joining a cult led by Tycho Zander (Christian Steel). Zander's bizarre family help in the cult, his sisters Red Zander (Marysia Kay) and Blue Zander (Gillian Settle) act as assistants, and his father Dr. Henry Englebert Zander III (Bill Fellows) is conducting strange experiments on the women of the cult, and creating zombies. Then there is Mother (Kathy Paul) and what exactly is her story is anyone's guess, but I can promise that it would be interesting. Then the film also has a massive cast of cult women who become zombies, their names are "Cult Woman" A-EE (A-Z and AA-EE of the alphabet). Most of the actors are either comedians, or performers in England, none of any real significant fame, other than Peter Bonner who was Warwick Davis' stuntman in Willow, and has done several other roles as "little people" on television and in films. What the cast lacks in actual talent and skill they make up by just have fun. The film feels like what would happen if a group of friends and over 30 topless women went out to a farm in the country and just had fun. I have read reviews of how that the comedy doesn't work in the film, and I would argue that it does, especially with the report between Warren Speed and Seymour Mace's characters, it really just feels like natural good humoured teasing of two friends, and though sometimes it goes on a bit long, but that in itself is called to attention by the other members of the troupe, especially the character of Skye, who just looks impatient at their jackassery. I think that that is part of what works for this film, is how these characters really do just come across as being friends, who are just taking the piss out of each other, and not taking anything seriously, and then there is Skye, whose character actually has a purpose and she just gets so impatient with their being dumbasses, and it is intentional, but also so very natural that is is absolutely believable. Honestly I think that the cast of this film are great, completely mental yes, but they are perfect for what they are.

This is a low budget film, that arguably tries too hard to be campy, and I think many would fail in that attempt, but with this bizarre troup of misfits and freaks, it seems to work. One of the issues with the film though, is that it never attempts to pander to the more civilized viewers, and it panders purely to the lowbrow crowd, and I for one will praise them for doing so, stay true to your fans that you are making the film for, do it for the passion of making a film, and not for trying to please critics and those who the film isn't meant for, I don't know if this tactic paid off for the filmmakers or the actors, but I for one commend them for this. This film really reminds me of listening to the sleazy punk band The Dwarves, it almost feels like the film is inspired by their music and the look of the album cover of their album Blood, Guts, and Pussy. This is a film that will definitely appeal to the fans of lowbrow art, and to be honest I feel like in a way it becomes a beautiful art in its own right, the art of the grotesque.

I found a copy of this film at a second hand video store, and judging by the cover it looked like it might be a fun piece of low-budget horror, and I was definitely not disappointed. I love how bad the film is, I love how much fun the cast and crew looked like they were having, I love that it felt so silly and gross and beautiful all at the same time. This is a film that will gross out and disgust most viewers, but for some this film is absolute gold, it is a film that is destined to be a cult classic. With a a name like Zombie Women Of Satan, if you go into this expecting highbrow art, or even posh competency then you went into this film with the absolute wrong intentions, and it will be a miserable experience. Go into this film expecting lots of natural boobs covered in blood and gore, vile toilet and wanking humour, and just a generally obscene film; for fuck's sake one of the main characters is named Pervo The Clown, so expect exactly that, and you might have a good time watching an obscenely over the top low budget b-horror film. I will just say it, I fucking love this film, it is everything I hoped that it would be!

Now, I have discovered while writing this review that there is a sequel to this film, and I need to find a way to locate a copy of it, if anyone ever finds a copy of it, please send me a copy.


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