Van Helsing

 Van Helsing
In the spirit of the classic Universal monster mash films of the 1940s, like House Of Frankenstein, or House of Dracula comes the 2004 film Van Helsing.  Van Helsing was written and directed by Stephen Sommers (who also directed The Mummy and The Mummy Returns), and features a monster hunter named Van Helsing, who works for the church, hunting down monsters, the film also features famous movie monsters such as Dracula, The Wolfman, and Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster.   The film brings a sexiness, action, and CGI effects to the classic Universal Monsters.   The film has about as much substance as the Universal Monster mashup films from the 1940s, which is to say it is lacking substance, that is more fun than serious.  I honestly think that if the 1940s Universal Monster mashup films were made today that they would look a lot like this, so as far as that goes I feel like this film is great for what it is. 

Van Helsing stars Hugh Jackman as the Titular Character of Gabriel Van Helsing, Kate Beckinsale as 

Anna Valerious, David Wenham as Carl, Richard Roxburgh as Count Vladislaus Dracula, Shuler Hensley as Frankenstein's Monster with Samuel West playing his creator Dr. Victor Frankenstein, Kevin J O'Connor as Igor, Stephen Fisher as Dr Jekyll, and the voice of Robbie Coltrane as Mr. Hyde.   The film also features the sexy brides of Dracula, Elena Anaya as Aleera, Silvia Colloca as Verona, and Josie Maran as Marishka.  The film is well cast with a great cast of attractive young actors, though some of the accents are pretty bad, but what they lack in authentic accents they make up for in exciting action, and sexy costumes.  The acting is pretty good, it is cheesy, but fitting for the film that they are making.   This film is part of a style of film that was becoming popular at the time in the 2000's, of action fantasy/horror films, with films like this, The Mummy franchise, The Brothers Grimm, Dracula Untold, etc there was this popularity in what I would call pop-fantasy films, where they had a similar look, they all relied on fast action, over abundance of CGI, more style than substance overall, however I would honestly say that this film might be a step above many of the other films that were a part of this trend.   Helsing is a film that aims to excite its audience, not to scare them, or make them think really, which I think is similar to the 1940s monster mash films that inspires it.

Van Helsing was distributed by Universal Pictures, and though at the time there was this "Dark Universe" label officially linking together the monsters at this point, this film, along with the monster mash films from the 1940s were already implying that there was already a shared universe where all of these monsters exist, which I think it is my problem with Universal's current attempt to create this "Dark Universe" concept as a way to compete against the shared universe comic book films that are out there.   It seems every time they have tried to create a shared "Dark Universe" through films like the 2017 The Mummy with Tom Cruise, and with Dracula Untold, they completely mess it up, I feel like Van Helsing did it better than either of those films, without making an attempt to do so, and it is too bad that more wasn't built on the back of this film.   This is a film that has all of the elements to be a popular film, it has a sexy cast, great wardrobe, great effects, and a fast pace storyline, as well as a beautiful soundtrack, so it is not surprising that the film was so hugely successful in the box office.   With a budget of $160-170 million, the film grossed $300.2 million in the box office.  However the critics completely hated the film.  This isn't a film made for the critics, but for people who just enjoy a fun high action film, with beautiful visuals, if you are looking for some deep thought provoking film, then look elsewhere, but if you are looking for fun and excitement, something to enjoy a bucket of popcorn and Large Soda and box of candy in the theater to, then this is the perfect film for that.   Just have fun, and don't think too much, don't expect authentic accents, this is a action/horror/fantasy film, so just let yourself relax and have fun with it...that kind of annoys me about critics, that sometimes, they can't just have fun.

I am not a huge fan of the overuse of CGI effects, and though the effects looked amazing in 2004, they do look a bit dated and cheesy now, but honestly that still works for this film, hyper realism isn't required for this fun romp through the fictionalized Transylvania of the film, it can look comic bookish, it can look cheesy, as long as it is fun.   The cast are great in their characters, I love the clash of stubborness between Anna and Van Helsing, then coupled with the comic relief and voice of reason of Van Helsing's side kick Friar Carl.  Dracula is trying hard to capture the ghost of Bela Lugosi, while also being more action oriented and less stiff, then there are the brides of Dracula where you're not sure if you should lust after them or be scared of them, either way they are perfect for what they are supposed to be.  I think overall this film really works well, and there is a reason that I keep watching it again and again.  I first saw it in the "cheap" theater that showed films that were done running in the regular theater, and showed them at a reduced price, right about the time they are hitting the shelves of the video rental store, I paid $3, and it was worth every penny of it.  This was a fun film to see in the theater, and the theater was packed, which is always fun because then you also get to take in the reaction of the audience.   This is a great piece of action/horror/fantasy fluff and a film that I enjoy every time I revisit it.   If you haven't seen it, I hope you check it out, and have some fun with it. 


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